UC Santa Cruz Student

Expected Graduation: June 2025 - Computer science major who wants to focus on Artificial Intelligence and Game Design. Active member of numerous clubs on campus: GDA, SCAI, DSC, ACM, and Haluan Hip-Hop Dance. Dean's Honor List Student!

Dean's Honor List UCSC Homepage

200+ Hours Volunteered

Alumni in both the Lynbrook California Scholarship Federation and Saratoga Branch of Boys Team Charity. Activities ranged from creating carepackages for US Army Veterans to preparing local schools for COVID-19 Hybrid learning. Recieved the Silver and Bronze Presidential Volunteer Service Award in 2019 and 2020 respectively.

Lynbrook CSF Homepage Boys Team Charity

Summer Camp Operations Intern

Supervised 80 campers and engaged them through creative projects like creating life-sized go-karts, water blasters, motorized spin art machines, and popsicle stick catapults. Promoted experimentation in a safe environment, encouraging campers' usage of new tools (power drills, handsaws, motors) to create complex projects while cultivating an innovative mindset.

Galileo Homepage

Personal Projects

My proudest projects that I worked on throughout my high school and early university career!

Object Detection

Created a program which uses a live camera feed and the OpenCV Python library to display the name of the objects alongside their confidence values using AI vision detection software.

Source Code OpenCV API

Jasper Bot 1.0

Jasper Bot 1.0 is a live Discord bot written in Python using Discord's Python API and OOP. This project is still a work in progress, and is hosted semi-permanently with Heroku.

Source Code Discord Python API

Frontend Mini Projects

Mini web development projects ranging from text effects to libraries like THREE.js, taking inpspiration from a multitude of online sources and combining them with my own ideas.

Source Code

APCS Final Project

My APCS Final Project was a console-based reusable Connect 4 game with an AI enhanced opponent written entirely in Java. Designed and developed in less than 2 months.

Source Code